what we do
Arrow offers unique forming opportunities, alongside your current context, allowing the gospel to confront and shape you in a highly relational way. We aim to develop a community of; life-long Kingdom-minded leaders who will be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus, and lead more to Jesus in whatever arena they are placed.
our group guidelines
“We believe this is a crucial time for the development of a new breed of faith-based leaders in Aotearoa.
To lead effectively and in a long-term sustainable way in this environment requires a different type of forming.”
Our Vision
Gospel-shaped Leaders
Gospel – the good news of Jesus that brings freedom and flourishing to all people, places, and systems.
Shaped – the recognition that we are all shaped/formed by something and it is our desire to help shape the next generation of leaders in the words, works and way of Jesus.
Leaders – we believe that leaders have the power to bring transformation and change and our passion is to be part of creating leaders who are formed by the good news of Jesus for individuals, households, and communities.
Our Mission
Creating communities of leaders who are led more by Jesus, more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus to see community transformation and flourishing.
“Those who aren’t following Jesus aren’t his followers. Its that simple. Followers follow, and those who don’t follow aren’t followers. To follow Jesus means to follow Jesus into a society where justice rules, where love shapes everything. To follow Jesus means to take up his dream and work for it.”
our values
Courage – to respond to the call of Jesus and foster the lifestyle of continual obedience required to form the character and competency to live out this call wholeheartedly and with integrity.
Community - To embody the conviction of covenant relationships in all arenas – with God, ourselves, others and our land. Committing to cultivate lifelong reciprocal connections with others who share this conviction of serving Christ in their local context.
Compassion – to see through the lens of Biblical kindness and generosity and to create environments that foster the flourishing of all people and places.
Curiosity – continually seeking to discern the Holy Spirit’s prompting to explore new insights and perspectives, through the development of a heart posture and intentional practices of engagement with otherness.
Arrow offers unique forming opportunities, allowing the gospel to confront and shape you in a highly relational way. We aim to develop a spiritual community of people who are led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus, and lead more to Jesus. To do this requires building trustworthy and hospitable spaces for one another.
These guidelines form the posture and expectation for each participant within the Arrow community.
You can find a copy of these guidelines here.
our staff
Amy Page-Whiting
National Director
Amy is also the lead pastor at The River - Ōpāwaho, a diverse faith community in south Christchurch. She completed the Arrow NZ programme in 2014. A voracious learner, she has spent the last 8 years learning and training in contextual discipleship, mission and the creation of movements. Amy is married to Bevan and they have two children.
Amanda Salmon
Programme & Community Director
Amanda recently completed a Graduate Diploma in Arts focusing on Christian Spirituality and is currently training to be a Spiritual Director. She is an Ordained Minister with 15 years pastoral ministry experience, 11 of those as Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Christian Church Waiuku (2008-2019). She is particularly interested in the wellbeing and soul care of leaders, having worked with women in leadership for the past 7 years. Amanda is married to Lloyd, and they have four children aged between 12 and 23.

our history
Arrow previously operated for some years in New Zealand, and after several years of absence, it was relaunched in 2012. The vision was to create a contextual, practitioner-based, eco-system that provided a community of gospel-shaped leaders throughout Aotearoa with ongoing training and support. This desire was driven by awareness of the high burnout and attrition rates in the Christian for-purpose and church leadership arenas. The heart was to change the fabric of our nation, by equipping the next generation of leaders with the skills, character and community they need to outwork their gospel call. We honour the vision and work of the board, and the generosity of Ian and Wendy Kuperus who enabled the launch of Arrow Leadership in Aotearoa.
Arrow Aotearoa sits within an international kaupapa that originated with Leighton Ford in North America in the 1990s. As a response to what he perceived as a growing leadership vacuum. Committed to developing missional leaders, Leighton gathered a research team to identify the key requirements for effective leadership development in the 21st century, and gradually Arrow was born and now operates in 12 countries worldwide.
Arrow NZ seeks to honour this legacy by continuing to develop strong communities of brave leaders, who are grow in their character and competency, and are equipped to go the distance in their leadership call.
our board
Sam Garaway (chair), Tim Bustin, Danielle Diprose, Liam Glover
Cultural Advisor: Jade Hohaia